betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

betapitch sofia

22 ноември, 17:00ч.

betapitch е състезанието на betahaus за стартиращи компании, което дава възможност на едни от най-талантливите млади предприемачи у нас да представят своите бизнеспроекти и да получат необходимата им подкрепа, за да развият докрай идеите и продуктите си.
10 отбора ще бъдат поканени в деня на betapitch да презентират пред интернационално жури, специални гости и медии.

the prizes this year

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

*Winner will be pitching at BETAPITCH Global the grand final in Berlin, taking place on December 6th.

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

*1 month free workspace at betahaus Sofia

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

*1 years free hosting, domain and certificate for the winner from, and discount codes for the other finalists

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

2-hour free consultation on entering the UK market from BBBA.

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

2 hours Ask a Deloitte Expert session from Deloitte Bulgaria.

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

1 year free Startup Membership at the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce.


betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

бари бранд

he is a founder of Cockney Herberts.

„Having spent over 20+ years’ as an advertising creative in many agencies, in many parts of the world, I became fascinated by the processes employed by businesses when it comes to the matter of creativity.“

жури членове

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

никола стоянов

Having gathered his experience in the corporate and entrepreneurial world, Nikola co-founded aeternity blockchain, being responsible for all business aspects. In 2018 he founded AE Ventures with the vision to support the development and future of the blockchain ecosystem. Nikola’s focus lies on finding, accelerating and investing in impactful early-stage startups, globally.

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

татяна миткова

is a co-founder and CEO at ClaimCompass – a company that helps passengers get compensated when the airline screws up their flight. Her startup is backed by Silicon Valley’s 500 Startups and has raised $1.8M up to date. Tatyana is also active as a Co-director at the Sofia chapter of Founder Institute where she helps founders validate their early-stage idea and turn it into a scalable business.

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

владимир русев

Vladimir was one of the co-founders of Wizcom/Sciant, which was acquired by VMware. He spearheaded the Investment and Acquisition activities of CableTEL the consolidator of the CatTV market in Bulgaria. Vladimir scaled EON TOYS, a children’s toys distributor still successfully operating in Bulgaria. In 2017 Vladimir co-founded Connecto, a provider of AI-powered conversational marketing, which was acquired by Leanplum.

keynotes | betapitch winners

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия


Мирослав Мирославов, съосновател

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия


Спас Керимов, съосновател

opening keynote

story of BETAPITCH and finals in Berlin

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия

Vivian Duong, Startup Manager,


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media friends

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event partner

betapitch,betapitch sofia,стартъп състезание,startup competition,startup event sofia,стартъп събитие софия